Our Governance Structure ensures there are clear reporting lines and explicit requirements to ensure probity, good governance and outstanding performance.
Members are responsible for determining the governance of the Trust. They approve our Articles of Association. The Articles of Association, as agreed with the Department for Education, set out the details for our internal management, decision making and running of the Trust. The Members also appoint Trustees in accordance with the Articles.
Trustees focus on three core functions of governance:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of Epworth Education schools and their pupils, and the performance management of staff
- Overseeing and ensuring effective financial performance
Our Trustees meet as a board six times a year. We also have several committees that focus on specific areas that consist of selected trustees and meet up on a regular basis:
- Audit and Finance Committee
- Education and Ethos committee
- Resources committee
Every school has a Local Advisory Board. The governors within the Local advisory board serve as a key link between the schools, parents/carers and the local community. They monitor the performance of the school and pastoral care of the pupils, advising the Trustees of any concerns.
Please see the Local Advisory Board page on the schools' website for further information.
All Members, Trustees and Governors complete an annual declaration of Business Interests and declare any pecuniary interests within meetings.
Our Scheme of Delegation identifies the key decision making roles for establishments within Epworth schools. It determines the functions undertaken by the Board of Trustees and which have been delegated to its Committees, the Exec Team, Local advisory Boards and Heads of Establishments.
In this section by clicking on the links, you will find information on Governance:
- Meet our Board
- Click here to view our Governance Structure
- Click here to view Governance Attendance for 2024-25 and our current Business Interests
- View our Scheme of Delegation
- View our Articles of Association